May I have the rings…


This past weekend I had the honor of performing my first wedding ceremony. The bride was a student in my youth ministry eight years ago! My wife and I have been mentoring the couple since before their engagement, and we have really grown close to them. They are great people who will have a great marriage.

Was I nervous? YES. I’ve been anxious about this opportunity for at least six months! It was no small occasion… almost 200 guests packed into the historic Baker Memorial Church in Saint Charles. I thought I might trickle down my leg… but once the ceremony began I was pretty comfortable, and made no mistakes. Amazing for me. I don’t anticipate too many of these opportunities… (and I am not looking for them)!

It was very different being on “this side” of a wedding ceremony… I have been in many weddings, including my own… but being the minister is really different. It is both gratifying and exhausting! This experience also gave me an even bigger appreciation for my wife – and a reminder of what an amazing and sacred privilege marriage is.

Explore posts in the same categories: Family, spirituality

2 Comments on “May I have the rings…”

  1. brandon Says:

    THat is awesome… I did a few weddings this summer….

    They were overwhelming in that you have to be so put together and organized…

    but really fun if you know the couple well

  2. Which two?! I prolly know them too πŸ˜€

    Wedding sure are interesting animals. As a photographer, I have been dabbling into the wedding photography world and it sure is a grand time! Though very stressful for me…

    I’m gonna stop commenting on old posts now πŸ™‚ Slow day at work…

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